Geography Story Briefs

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

When the Puritans arrived in America, they continued the use of the pillory. Intended to punish people by humiliation, among other things, the pillory...

As Alan Turing and his Bletchly Park colleagues worked feverishly to break the Enigma code, they caught a break when the Royal Navy captured U-110 on ...

This book - Bartram's Travels - plays a key role in the Cold Mountain story.

When it comes to the brain size of a Triceratops, a favorite prey of T. rex, be prepared for a surprise.

Niels Hansen Jacobsen created this representation of a troll between 1895-96.

The Nazi war plan for Norway, in April of 1940, includes capturing the Norwegian seaport of Trondheim.

Although people in Thailand had previously experienced the effects of an earthquake, they were unfamiliar with tsunamis and their amazing power to des...

On the 30th of June, 1908, a meteorite impacted the Tunguska area in Siberia.

Turin - also known as Torino - is the capital of Piedmont and the birthplace of Victor Emmanuel II.

Uppsala, Sweden's fourth-largest city, plays a significant role in Lisbeth Salander's life.

In these fearful times, watch a fearless baby Ibex as it outwits a preying fox.

Finding a climate to help him stay healthy, Robert Louis Stevenson and his family settled in Samoa in the South Pacific.

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