Government Story Briefs

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

A man of contrasts who owned slaves, Thomas Jefferson declared that all men were born equal.

When Thomas Jefferson became America's third President, the election process was complicated. He won on the 36th ballot, in the House of Representativ...

This image is the original letter - maintained at the Library of Congress - which Thomas Jefferson wrote to Spencer Roane on the 6th of September, 181...

When the Puritans arrived in America, they continued the use of the pillory. Intended to punish people by humiliation, among other things, the pillory...

Two years after the end of hostilities between America and Britain, the parties signed the Treaty of Paris. Peace between the two countries remained n...

After his marriage to Anne Boleyn - and the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth - Henry VIII decided to look elsewhere for a wife.

Africa had its own system of slavery, before the European slave trade, but it involved a system of justice.

On the 7th of June, 1954, President Harry Truman penned his thoughts regarding the meeting he'd had with his military advisers on the 18th of June, 19...

One of numerous relocation centers, during WWII, the Tule Lake internment camp was also known as a segregation center.

This is the type of aircraft - a U-2 "spy plane" - which Major Richard S. Heyser flew over Cuba when his photos revealed the the USSR was placing miss...

"Ultra" was the cover-name given to the actual intelligence, obtained from decoding Germany's military messages at Bletchley Park, which was secretly ...

Chinese laborers help to build the American West, but how are the workers treated as they build their new country?

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