Government Story Briefs

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

The Attica State Correctional Facility, thirty miles east of Buffalo in upstate New York, was an overcrowded place in 1971.

A disaster unfolded at Attica State Prison when officials and inmates clashed during 1971.

When hostilities broke-out between the two Koreas, the United Nations issued a resolution condemning the aggressive action taken by North Korea. Ameri...

The USS Enterprise (CVN 65) was the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier in the world.

In this image we see the USS Hornet (CV-8) soon after she was commissioned. She had a special relationship with the Doolittle Raiders.

The USS Hornet (CV-8) had a special cargo aboard during April of 1942. No one knew for sure if that special cargo - a group of airplanes - could actua...

Chuichi Nagumo was a torpedo specialist and commanded the carrier strike force which attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

This clip is from Eye of Vichy (L'oeil de Vichy) - by Claude Chabrol and narrated by Brian Cox (in the English version) - a documentary compiling hist...

After Alice Paul, Lucy Burns and their colleagues are released, they renew their efforts to get a constitutional amendment, granting women the right t...

Americans became very upset about the Vietnam War when they watched horrifying scenes on their television screens.

Image of George Mason's handwritten Declaration of Rights which he drafted in May, 1776.

Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution - in Russia - Vladimir I.

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