Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

When Italy was totally unified, in 1871, the new country adopted a common language - Italian - which was only spoken by a very small percentage of the...

This chapter details the chosen occupation of Jacobo Timerman.

Although Rudolf Abel's wife lives in Russia, James Donovan starts receiving letters from someone calling herself Abel's wife.

In East Berlin, James Donovan meets Wolfgang Vogel, an East-Berlin lawyer, as they begin negotiations to swap a Soviet spy (Rudolf Abel) for an Americ...

Authorized by officials in Washington, James Donovan - the lawyer who saved Rudolf Abel's life - is sent to Berlin. His mission is to negotiated a spy...

Jefferson withholds the commissions, and William Marbury seeks legal action to retain his judgeship.

Jenny on the Job is the female counterpart to Joe Dope; she is a model production worker.

Burns follows Wycliffe; both his body and his books are burned.

Learn more about Chief Justice John Marshall, his wife Polly, and a locket.

John Quincy Adams argues in defense of the Africans.

John Wycliffe translates the Bible into English, but Oxford expels him as his writings become more radical.

The jurors in the Penn case go to Newgate Prison until they pay all fines for disobeying the judge and finding in favor of William Penn.

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