Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

Kapu are sacred rules that the Hawaiian's thought of as a religion.

Fear of enemy eavesdropping leads to American-government posters which introduce characters like "Joe Dope." The point is to urge caution in conversa...

The Soviet leader backs down when the US promises not to invade Cuba.

Africans are brought to the "new world" under inhumane conditions.

When slavery ends, many former slaves face incredible obstacles.

Despite the First Amendment, some still try to destroy what they do not understand or believe in.

Desmond decides to sue the government to get his children back.

Politics are changing when Edgardo Mortara is removed from his family, and the event makes world news.

LBJ decides hecannot pursueanother term as president because he wants to work full time to get U.S. soldiers out of Southeast Asia.

Daniel Ellsberg and Tony Russo believe they cannot keep the Pentagon Papers secret and pass parts of them to a trusted journalist.

While Emperor of Rome, Marcus Aurelius - known as a philosopher and helper of the poor - persecutes Christians.

The courts recognize the wrong in Japanese-American internment camps and overturn convictions. Decades later, the federal government makes an effort a...

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