Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

Warned by Paul Revere, colonial soldiers stand their ground at Lexington against the British; this begins the American Revolutionary War.

By the time a guard of British soldiers arrived at the town of Lexington - on April 19, 1775 - most of the minutemen under Captain John Parker's comma...

Hitler orders the destruction of Paris because liberation is near; Paris is free in August 1944.

Solomon Northup, known as "Platt," experiences slave life in Louisiana with a "good master" and a "bad master."

Edwin Epps is a cruel slave-owner who frequently beats slaves for no reason other than to inflict misery. After John Tibeats, Solomon Northup ("Platt...

A mortgage, for the life of Solomon Northup ("Platt") ends-up saving him from death at the hands of a cruel slave-owner called John Tibeats.

Margaret's popularity goes downhill after tax law problems; she argues with her own party members.

The Pilgrims spend a year in Amsterdam before religious conflicts lead them to Leiden.

Some whites in Mississippi consider blacks an inferior race.

The university town of Leiden still contains evidence of the Pilgrim's year there, such as businesses and housing.

A new government, loyal to Germany, is set up in Vichy; the film, The Sorrow and the Pity, provides insight into life in occupied France.

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