Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

After his slave ordeal is over, Solomon Northup brings charges against the people who wrongfully sold him into slavery. Because a black person cannot ...

Charles Schenck, secretary general of the Socialist Party of America, believes the military draft is unconstitutional.

North Korea has nuclear weapons with the range to reach Alaska.

Olaudah Equiano was one of the first African slaves to live through slavery and then write about it.

After resisting arrest, Oswald is caught at the Texas Theater.

To his family and Colombia's downtrodden people, Pablo Escobar is a much-loved man. To the government, he is a highly wanted criminal drug-lord.

Pablo Escobar has one major reason for becoming involved in Colombian politics: To make sure his country does not sign an extradition treaty with the...

In his efforts to protect his illegal enterprise from crumbling into legal problems, Pablo Escobar pays-off security guards.

In hiding, after he escapes from confinement, Pablo Escobar is separated from the people he loves the most - his family.

When Colombia's Minister of Justice, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, is murdered, Pablo Escobar gets the blame.

When Colombian presidential candidate Luis Carlos Galán was murdered, the police suspected he was killed by (or on the orders of) Pablo Escobar.

At first Colombian authorities allow Pablo Escobar to have an easy life, at La Catedral (his place of "confinement"), but when Pablo hears rumors of a...

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