Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

While earning his living from the illegal drug trade, Pablo Escobar was becoming a leader of Colombia's poor and downtrodden people.

The Colombians find Pablo Escobar in 1993, then kill him.

Elizabeth Packard spends her life trying to change mental health laws and women's property rights.

Mussolini begins Fascism in Italy after WWI; Hitler uses Mussolini's propaganda ideas to influence German youth.

The Capitol, a totalitarian government, is in charge of the fictional country of Panem.

Edgardo is taken from his parents, despite protests from his family and community.

Olaudah Equiano writes of his own experiences as an African child kidnapped into slavery.

When founding Pennsylvania, Penn creates laws modeled on freedom.

African-American slaves are bought and sold like animals in the country's system of chattel slavery.

Charley Williams shares his life story about what it was like to live as a slave on a plantation.

While helping to build a home for the Epps family, Platt (Solomon Northup) meets a Canadian man called Bass. That meeting will change Platt's life.

With an intermediate stop in Richmond (Virginia), Solomon Northup (now known by his slave-name "Platt") spends time in another slave pen before he boa...

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