Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

Even though he is only human, King James leaves a legacy with his King James Version of the Bible.

This manuscript is an amazing example of book painting that is even older than the Diamond Sutra.

Nine black high school students in Little Rock, Arkansas waged a successful campaing to attend public shool.

A democratic agreement forms the government for Plymouth, where the Pilgrims settle despite death and illnesses.

Witnesses state the slaves are well-fed, comfortable, and happy during the ocean passage.

You can learn the events leading up to the overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation.

The formerly widespread papal rule comes to an end in the late 19th century.

Pope Innocent III believes King John does not have the right to give away land without consulting him. The Pope's response is to excommunicate the nob...

Religious scribes and scholars produce many impressive books and manuscripts that reside at Oxford.

It is those who serve in our military who ultimately pay the price, whether the country supports them or not.

The Princess inherits a large part of the state ofHawaii and she leaves her estate to the state's native children.

Evelyn provides a platform for reform with her story, but the Irish industrial schools still exist.

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