Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

King John was among the worst Kings to rule England. He taxes his nobility to pay for battles. Those nobles finally take London by force to make the K...

After the Union wins the Civil War, the Southern States rejoin the union.

In 1997, "Amistad" (the movie) is released in remembrance of the captives, and a replica ship tours across America.

The three-part trading system consists of European goods, African slave labor, and British colony resources, such as coffee and tobacco.

Mary, Queen of Scots is Elizabeth's Catholic cousin. Because Elizabeth has no children, Mary is her closest successor.

Eyewitness accounts confirm there were no North Vietnamese boats in sight during the alleged attack of August 4, 1964.

Robert Kennedy tells Russia it will take four or five months to remove US missiles from Turkey.

The verdict of history, regarding governmental deceptions and lies revealed in the Pentagon Papers, may reveal that because of their publication, the ...

It is July 2, 1776. To cut all ties with Britain, the 2nd Continental Congress approves the Declaration of Independence without dissent.

James grows up without his mother, taking the throne at the age of one.

As a high-level advisor to Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell tries to help the King get a divorce from Catharine of Aragon so he can marry Anne Boleyn.

After he returns from time on the Continent, where he learns several languages and practical aspects of running a business, Thomas Cromwell has a grow...

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