Medicine Chapters

Understanding human anatomy, and how to diagnose and treat illnesses, has changed dramatically from ancient to modern times. This collection features people whose medical breakthroughs helped to save millions of lives.

Louis Pasteur's list of accomplishments is impressive, not least because so many of his ideas went against the grain of contemporary thinking. His mai...

In June 1970, Brashear becomes the first black Master Diver, which is the highest position in the diving community.

Life in medieval Europe consists of poor hygiene, close quarters, living and eating with animals and farming; seemingly, everyone has fleas.

In medieval Europe, the plague strikes down all classes of people regardless of wealth, education or social status.

In the late 18th century, two Italian academics have different theories about what causes a frog's leg to twitch. Is electricity inside or outside the...

  Although the dangers of hexavalent chromium (also known as "Chromium VI" or "Chrome 6") have long been known, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&a...

The Spanish Flu impacts the US from the East Coast to Alaska; no one can find a cure. In a lesser-known event, President Woodrow Wilson recovers from ...

Mountain sickness, with its common symptoms of dry cough and shortness of breath, can strike above 8,000 feet.

The uncontrollable Guiteau becomes a celebrity during his trial.

Music is like medicine for Ayers because it helps him focus and calms his temper.

Whenever a human being dives underwater, pressure on the body intensifies and can cause serious injuries (including death).

Ayers still hears voices but he no longer lives on the streets and now has a relationship with his family.

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