Medicine Chapters

Understanding human anatomy, and how to diagnose and treat illnesses, has changed dramatically from ancient to modern times. This collection features people whose medical breakthroughs helped to save millions of lives.

Fisher begins to write poetry while he is in the Navy.

The Nazca Lines are a series of ancient geoglyphs in the Nazca Desert in Peru.

Involved in an accident while retrieving an underwater bomb, Brashear injures his leg and must have it amputated.

Under medical care, Vincent appears better and creates many brilliant works.

Giovanni Boccaccio writes Decameron, a first-hand account of behavior during the medieval plague; some people flee, while others enjoy life to the ful...

By July and August of 1994, with the preconception win in their pockets, plaintiffs literally bombarded PG&E with six inches of motions to compel ...

The presence of hexavalent chromium (sometimes called "Chrome 6") in water turns the water bright yellow. This photo, by Cameron Hickey on behalf of t...

People with schizophrenia have decreased brain activity.

Descriptions and images of Spanish Flu from around the world.

As he plots Garfield's death, the once-institutionalized Guiteau stalks the President.

Poe's bloody detective stories begin to mirror real life, including his wife's diagnosis of tuberculosis.

Rabies is still a life-threatening illness in real life. It is also an influencer for movies and novels starring Zombies.

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