Medieval Times Chapters

When knights and castles served kings and queens, a feudal system employed peasants and vassals. Uneducated people used art to learn stories they could not read for themselves. This collection is about life in the Middle Ages.

Scotland makes Wallace a Knight andGuardianof the country; however, he keeps that position for about 300 days.

The English attack Joan's village and she sees horrible events before her family flees.

During much of Joan's life, the French and the English are actively fighting the Hundred Year War.

Modern scholars wonder if other diseases and bacteria accompanied the medieval-era plague, and that's why it was so infectious and deadly.

Upset with the taxes and conditions of the time, Wat Tyler leads peasants, into London where they kill many.

King John continues to fight with the nobles until his death. Eight hundred years later the Magna Carta is still an important document.

King Bruce wants to atone for his mistakes and orders that upon his death, his heart be cut out and taken on a Crusade.

Joan becomes a hero in history and her accusers become villains; many of those had most-unfortunate endings.

Did you know that the language of "Chivalry" - or the language of Knights - was French?

Black Death (or pestilence) gets its name from black boils which appear on the bodies of infected people.

A bacterium, Yersinia pestis, causes Bubonic plague; the oriental rat flea transmits the disease to humans from black rats.

The Magna Carta grants certain liberties to noblemen and, years later, becomes a basis for American rights and liberties.

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