Medieval Times Chapters

When knights and castles served kings and queens, a feudal system employed peasants and vassals. Uneducated people used art to learn stories they could not read for themselves. This collection is about life in the Middle Ages.

Within twenty-five years of her death, justice prevails and Joan of Arc's guilty verdict is renounced; the Pope orders a new trial.

A Knight's fortune was determined daily by the unpredictable ups and downs of the day.

After returning to England, Thomas Cromwell marries and has a family. His wife is Liz Cromwell.

Thomas Cromwell, who becomes a key advisor to King Henry VIII, grows-up in Putney, outside London, with a very difficult father.

As a high-level advisor to Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell tries to help the King get a divorce from Catharine of Aragon so he can marry Anne Boleyn.

After he returns from time on the Continent, where he learns several languages and practical aspects of running a business, Thomas Cromwell has a grow...

While life is good, for Thomas Cromwell, his family suddenly is struck by three tragedies.

The people prosecuting Joan decide her fate before the trial begins. She is not given a lawyer and the person prosecuting her is also the judge in the...

Outnumbered, Wallace and his men defeat Edward's forces and take over Stirling Castle, the most important fortress in Scotland.

Bram Stoker creates Dracula the vampire, based on the real life cruelty of Vlad the Impaler.

Wallace's trial takes place in London, where Edward can control the outcome of the "trial."

By September of 1297, Wallace is able to amassa substantial army of men willing to fight for Scotland's freedom.

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