Medieval Times Chapters

When knights and castles served kings and queens, a feudal system employed peasants and vassals. Uneducated people used art to learn stories they could not read for themselves. This collection is about life in the Middle Ages.

Death comes slowly in a hanging cage; the accused is exposed to the elements and starved.

The Heretic's Fork is an extremely painful way to die. Being in a stock is less painful but could cause the person humiliation.

The Iron Maiden is another form of intense suffering and slow death.

Of all the painful ways to be tortured, the Judas Cradle has to be one of the most painful ways to die.

Wanting his gifts to be anonymous, Nicholas (according to the legend) throws gold coins into open windows of houses or down chimneys.

This manuscript is an amazing example of book painting that is even older than the Diamond Sutra.

William Wallace plans to do everything in his power to ensure England's King Edward I will not rule his Scotland.

Pope Innocent III believes King John does not have the right to give away land without consulting him. The Pope's response is to excommunicate the nob...

Religious scribes and scholars produce many impressive books and manuscripts that reside at Oxford.

Gutenberg invents the printing press and changes the world, but his Bibles are also burned.

The seven dwarfs are probably adult miners who suffer growth problems due to mining work as children.

King John was among the worst Kings to rule England. He taxes his nobility to pay for battles. Those nobles finally take London by force to make the K...

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