Medieval Times Chapters

When knights and castles served kings and queens, a feudal system employed peasants and vassals. Uneducated people used art to learn stories they could not read for themselves. This collection is about life in the Middle Ages.

Among Italy's architectural treasures are many spectacular stained glass windows.

While dominating world trade, the Netherlands builds many churches with stained glass windows.

Britain has many medieval stained glass windows; a recent discovery, at Canterbury Cathedral, reveals use of a space frame (an engineering solution at...

Stained glass windows tell stories of the Bible and saints to illiterate people.

Unknown monks and artists still stun us with their beautiful drawings.

The Barons remain steadfast in their beliefs about the Magna Carta, even though excommunication means they cannot participate in church services or ac...

The English put Joan on trial for witchcraft, sorcery, heresy and for wearing men's clothes; they believe a teenage girl cannot beat them in battle.

The Diamond Sutra is the earliest dated book in the world today, and was found in a cave in China.

When his brother Arthur, the Prince of Wales dies, Henry the Duke of York learns he will be king after his father's death.

Despite his high position, Thomas Cardinal Wolsey falls from Henry VIII's favor when he is unable to convince Pope Clement VII to grant the King a div...

Balian surrenders Jerusalem when Saladin offers the citizens safe passage to Christian lands.

Joan is found guilty but that is not enough for the English judge; he finds a devious way to make sure her sentence is burning at the stake.

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