Nineteenth Century Life Chapters

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

Most of the numerous women, such as Susan B. Anthony, who fight for women's rights never see victory.

Fire-fighting has advanced greatly since the bucket-and-mops days, but pre-20th-century "fire engines" are only as good as technological advances allo...

The largely forgotten fire in Peshtigo, Wisconsin is much-more deadly than the fire in Chicago.

By the mid-1800s, Five Points (at the intersection of Park, Worth and Baxter Streets) is known as New York City's most notorious slum neighborhood.

A bad lawyer and an insane judge doom the results of Florie's murder trial and sentence.

Florie is sentenced to hang, but after a public outcry against , Queen Victoria intervenes. Flories sentence is changed from death to 15 years in pri...

Charged with capital murder, Florence Maybrick endures a mistake-laden trial.

Florie attempts to make her own cosmetic arsenic, and implicates herself in James' death.

John Wilkes Booth, an actor, enters the Ford Theater Presidential box carrying his gun and a knife.

Mary is tried and sentenced to hang.

The Union loses the battle for Fredericksburg; however, a Confederate soldier brings water to the injured enemy.

John Quincy Adams wins the Amistad case for the captives, but there is no money to pay for the Africans' passage back to their homes.

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