Nineteenth Century Life Chapters

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

Fighting for freedom begins in the Texas territory.

A rival, Rufus Griswold, changes Poe's work and private letters; then he publishes the fakes.

When Samuel Clemens becomes a professional writer, he adopts a pen name. Samuel Clemens thus becomes Mark Twain.

What happens to Jackson's assistant, Sandie Pendelton, and U.S. Grants' new orders.

Dostoevsky reluctantly hires Anna Snitkina, who knows the new art of "short hand." She will help complete his new novel.

Examine paintings and engravings of the American West before the transcontinental railroad.

Who is Jacob Marley? Is it possible that he can visit his old partner, Ebenezer Scrooge, although Marley's been dead for seven years?

Intrigued by the name of Edward Hyde, to whom Dr. Jekyll has willed his entire fortune, Gabriel Utterson - Jekyll's lawyer - goes on a mission to trac...

Sengbe raises money so that 35 of 53 Amistad captives can return to their homeland.

John Quincy Adams, a former American President, argues the Amistad case to the Supreme Court using the Declaration of Independence.

In 37 days, Sherman travels from Atlanta to Savannah destroying everything in between. His plan is to destroy the Confederates' ability to make war.

James Goodsell provides an eyewitness account of the perilous human situation.

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