Nineteenth Century Life Chapters

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

The judge in Dr. John Webster's murder trial allows the use of body parts as evidence, even though that is not a common practice in the 1850s.

See the towns in the West as they begin to form when people move to new areas of America's "wilderness."

Robert E. Sticker created an oil painting interpreting the “Nantucket Sleigh Ride,” an adrenalin-producing event which occurred after whal...

We have evidence that parts of the tales published by the Brothers Grimm are based on real people and real places.

From the ancient to the modern world, people have tried to understand rabies, but it remains a mysterious albeit deadly illness. At least today, we kn...

In 1993, evidence surfaces where James Maybrick claims to be Jack the Ripper.

Scholars disagree about the reliability of slave memoirs and oral histories.

Jim Crow Laws, named after a character in a minstrel show, become a synonym for legal segregation.

This lithograph, by John Childs, depicts “Cinque Addressing his Compatriots.” It is online via the U.S. National Archives, courtesy of the...

Whitechapel, where the "Ripper murders" occur, is a very poor part of 19th-century London.

The Whitechapel area of London, where the crimes take place, is made famous by Jack the Ripper.

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.3 Successes and Failures of Reconstruction in South Carolina

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