Nineteenth Century Life Story Briefs

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

Noah Brooks was a journalist who knew President Lincoln well and wrote about his personality.

Shortly before his inauguration as America's 16th President, Abraham Lincoln visited Philadelphia.

As Abraham Lincoln's funeral train made its way to Springfield, Illinois - where the President would be buried - one of the stops on its 1,654-mile jo...

Do you know the background of "Little Women?" Meet Louisa May Alcott and learn how she based her still-famous story on her real-life family.

London was the place where goods from Britain's Empire reached people living in the U.K. This map depicts London as it appeared at the end of the 19th...

Solomon Northup, a free black, is listed as a slave called "Plat Hamilton" on this manifest for the brig Orleans.

This famous map, created in 1806, depicts London, England as the city and its surrounding areas appeared in the early 19th century.

Mary Kelley lived at 13 Miller's Court on Dorset Street.

Lafayette Baker, whose investigation led to the arrest of the conspiracy defendants - and to the capture of Booth - provides details about the last da...

Six days after the United States elected Abraham Lincoln to serve as America''s 16th President, South Carolina held a meeting to endorse a call from t...

Meyer Lansky, according to people who knew him, built his "business" on his word.

Not a main tourist destination, Molokai is famous for the work of a Belgian priest, Father Damien de Veuster, who cared for patientswith Leprosy.

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