Nineteenth Century Life Story Briefs

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

Head of the greatest empire on earth, Victoria was a woman of major contradictions. She detested public life but loved being an Empress. Her offspring...

Major differences in social standing existed between people during Victorian times. We call these distinctions ''classes.''

Three days after Beethovens death, Johann Nepomuk Hoechle visited the maestros home (in the Schwarzspanierhaus). He was allowed to create a portrait ...

Vincent liked this painting of his bedroom at Arles (which he created in October of 1888).

Vincent created Starry Night in June, 1889, while he was a patient in a Saint-Remy asylum.

The interior of Goupil Cies Gallery in The Hague, Netherlands. For a time, Vincent van Gogh worked here, as an art dealer.

Although his paintings sell for millions of dollars today, Vincent van Gogh was unable to sell his artwork during his lifetime. Who was this prolific ...

Today Vincent van Gogh, the Dutch painter, is one of the world's most-beloved artists.

There is an interesting story about this painting - "White House at Night" - which van-Gogh-art-lovers throughout the world had long presumed lost.

Thanks to a mother lode of gold and silver, known as "The Comstock," Virginia City became one of the most important western towns in 19th-century Amer...

Virginia Clemm - a first-cousin to Edgar Allan Poe - became his wife in the spring of 1836.

A view of Walden Pond, where Henry David Thoreau lived in a small cabin between 1845-1847.

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