Nineteenth Century Life Story Briefs

What made the 19th century an interesting but tumultuous time? What technological, cultural and social changes influenced life then? Explore those issues in this story collection.

Elected in 1840, William Henry Harrison is sworn-in as America's 9th President in March of 1841. He dies in office the next month.

William H. Seward - who had served as New York's 12th governor (between 1839-1842) and as New York's U.S. Senator - wanted to become America's Preside...

William Barret Travis, leader of regular-army rebels defending the Alamo, sent a letter pleading for help.

Used to getting his way, Boss Tweed frequently bent the law in his own favor.

Anti-suffrage groups published political cartoons to warn what could happen if women were given the right to vote.

Learn how the world's first photo was made, then create a "selfie" using that same heliographic process.

During war, people create art or compose songs to bolster public support for the fighting. This is an example from the Union's point of view.

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