Philosophy Chapters

What does it mean to have a "world view?" How does "thinking about the meaning of life" translate into "living life?" Who are the world's great thinkers? Is Aristotle still relevant? This Collection features philosophy-related stories.

Joan's jailors steal her clothes, forcing her to wear men's clothing. As soon as she puts them on, she is deemed to be a relapsed heretic and sentence...

Through the massacre of the Muslims, the Latin/Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem is born.

Despite the First Amendment, some still try to destroy what they do not understand or believe in.

Wishing to educate his teen-aged son with the best teacher in the world, King Philip of Macedonia summons Aristotle, Greece's greatest mind. Aristotle...

Learn more about C.S. Lewis through additional readings and explore places from his life.

People learn Bible stories from looking at the miniatures.

Lewis' books help his readers "aim for heaven" and increase their quality of life of earth.

Although Marcus Aurelius helps the poor, he persecutes Christians.

Leonidas, King of Sparta, prepares to lead a Greek army against Xerxes, King of Persia, and his Immortals.

Lewis writes A Grief Observed after the death of his wife, and it is one of the most popular books on grief.

Lewis forms "The Inklings," a group of writers including Tolkien, who regularly meet at an Oxford pub to discuss their writing.

Dostoevsky is sent to prison in St. Petersburg, a beautiful city of palaces and cathedrals.

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