Philosophy Chapters

What does it mean to have a "world view?" How does "thinking about the meaning of life" translate into "living life?" Who are the world's great thinkers? Is Aristotle still relevant? This Collection features philosophy-related stories.

Giuseppe Mazzini believed that for Italy to be free of foreign domination, Italians would have to revolt. It was good timing, since revolutions were h...

In the early-to-mid 19th century, foreign powers controlled many areas of the Italian Peninsula. This led to revolutionary fervor on the part of Itali...

With guidance, Arjuna and Junah can learn to be the best they can be.

Lewis' books help his readers "aim for heaven" and increase their quality of life of earth.

Jai Ho is a song that celebrates the ability of humans to transform their lives, and rise above the worst of circumstances

Jai Ho is a song that is meant to inspire people beginning to lose hope to keep going because victory is near.

This image depicts “Supper at Emmaus,” one of Caravaggio’s best-known works which he created in 1601.  An oil-on-canvas, which ...

Jesus appears to several people after his death, according to the New Testament.

Herod questions Jesus, demanding a miracle, but sends him back without a sentence.

Jesus predicts his own death, causing many to doubt that he is the Messiah.

The Koran refers to some Judaic and Christian beliefs, but shows Muhammad, not Jesus, as the final savior sent by God.

Joan goes to the Dauphin of France and convinces him to let her lead the army. Joan prays before going into battle, convinced she will have the victor...

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