STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

Although he is poor, and living at London's Charterhouse, Stephen Gray conducts experiments which will heavily influence future scientists.

Like thousands of other people, Winston Churchill lost a fortune in the New York stock exchange crash of October 1929.

On the Pacific Island of Yap, people used stone money for hundreds of years to purchase rights and grow their wealth. It's an interesting story.

STS-1 was the mission name for NASA's first shuttle launch. The first shuttle to orbit the Earth was ''Columbia.'' It lifted off April 12, 1981.

Meet Sue, the dinosaur, who (once extracted from the South Dakota land) now lives in Chicago's Field Museum.

Particle accelerators help scientists to investigate the infinitely large by examining the infinitely small.

A superconducting phenomenon occurs inside the Large Hadron Collider. Electrons gather in pairs (instead of their natural tendency to repel each othe...

This NASA video explains Super Moons (and why they are so bright and beautiful).

In a nearby galaxy, known as the Small Magellanic Cloud, we can see the remnants of a supernova - a star which has exploded. It makes for spectacular ...

Super Moons are awesome, but April's Super Pink Moon is spectacular!

When swarming locusts descend on a place - and start to eat/destroy crops, plants or leaves with rapacious speed - human beings are often left with li...

European Landing Sites for Shuttle Flights - What happens if the shuttle crew detects a problem, after launch, while the orbiter is over the Atlantic?

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