STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

When the U.S. was finally able to send a teacher into space, successfully, more than 20 years had passed since Christa McAuliffe's tragic death aboard...

The Alps stretch across southern Europe, from France (in the west) to northern Slovenia and Austria (in the east).

When Columbus arrived in the Bahamas, in 1492, he began an exchange of crops, animals and diseases which still impact the world. It is known as "The C...

When he is 18 years old, Pliny the Younger and his mother are living at his Uncle's villa in Misenum. They are there when Vesuvius begins its 18-hour...

On June 30, 1905, an obscure patent-office clerk in Switzerland submits a world-changing paper. Without the brilliance of Albert Einstein and his "mir...

Learn about hurricanes, weather predictions and an unexpected weather phenomenon known as "The Perfect Storm" which claimed the lives of six fishermen...

Kilimanjaro, the tallest point in Africa, is a dormant volcano located in northern Tanzania. Every year, more than 25,000 people attempt to reach its ...

This historic film footage, taken by the Edison Film Company, depicts the state of ruin in San Francisco, following the April 1906 earthquake and subs...

The Tigris River forms the eastern boundary of Mesopotamia. Here are some key facts about this important body of water.

Meet Tollund Man, a Danish bog mummy who was rediscovered in May of 1950. How did he get there? When did he die?

It is clear from the way Tollund Man's body was found, in a Danish peat bog, that he died by hanging.

At first, it seemed that Tollund Man had been laid to rest without a violent death. The, his discoverers saw a rope around his neck.

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