STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

On the 1st of December, 1958, Our Lady of the Angels School, in Chicago, was the scene of a catastrophic fire.

Christmas Island, located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of northwest Australia, is the top of an underwater mountain.

On the 14th of October, 1947, Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager flew an airplane at speeds which reached Mach 1.

Freud's 160th birthday is May 6, 2016. Did you know his work with cocaine caused him to withdraw his paper recommending the drug? Before he developed ...

After several hours of erupting, the gas pressure propelling Vesuvius’ eruption plume, in 79 AD, begins to falter. The eruption cloud itself begins ...

This video was the only video recovered after Columbia disintegrated during re-entry. It depicts the crew during their final preparations, before land...

This drawing might seem a bit simplistic because it merely describes the main parts of a much-more complicated object. What we see here are the main p...

Tuberculosis - a disease caused by bacteria - has plagued human beings for millenia. Studying spinal-column fragments ofEgyptian mummies, scientists ...

The Earths mantle is made-up of very hot, dense rock. Scientists believe that it has the consistency of asphalt and that it moves.

The Catholic Church bans Nicolaus Copernicus's book on the 5th of March, 1616 (decades after his death). Why ban a book which Catholic Universities ha...

More than 5,000 crop circles have appeared in over 40 countries since the first recorded sighting in the 17th century. In this extraordinary study, Lu...

Celebrating 2000 Martian days of exploring the Red Planet, Curiosity is a moving science lab, considerably different from "Spirit" and "Opportunity" b...

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