STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

Scientists have mapped-out the octopus genome! A villain in "Penguins of Madagascar," Dave is an octopus who changes form. A very intelligent inverteb...

As a pyroclastic flow races toward Pompeii, people in the town fear for their lives. Thousands of years later, when excavators begin to uncover what h...

By May 18, 2010, an expanding oil slick resulting from Deepwater Horizon's explosion, was just off the Mississippi Delta.

After an initial explosion which killed 11 of 126 workers aboard Deepwater Horizon, the oil rig had a second explosion on April 22, 2010.

Blair Manuel - from Gonzales, Louisiana - was 56 years old on the day Deepwater Horizon exploded.

In this photo, Dale Burkeen - victim of the Deepwater Horizon explosion - is with his son, Timothy, age 6.

Jason Anderson was the most senior of the eleven men who died in the Deepwater Horizon explosion.

Roy Wyatt Kemp was scheduled to come home, for a time, the day after Deepwater Horizon exploded.

Shane Roshto, an employee of Transocean, was 22 years old on the 20th of April, 2010.

When we cut-down our trees, we do more than eliminate trees. We also harm, or eliminate, the habitat of other creatures who live in the forests.

John Vachon was a photographer for the Farm Security Administration where, he helped to document American life during the Great Depression.

After Erasmus Jacobs, son of a poor South African farmer, finds a sparkly pebble along the southern bank of the Orange River, parts of the South Afric...

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