STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

Diplodocus was a massive dinosaur which ate plants. It had a really long tail which served as a counter-balance to its really long neck.

Scientists say that DNA is the instruction manual for building life, but what does that really mean?

Sully and Jeff Skiles had 208 seconds between a bird strike and a forced water landing on the Hudson. Both testified during the NTSB investigation.

Dr. Richard Feynman was always known for speaking his mind. When his work led him to a conclusion which seemed at odds with the conclusions (or desire...

In 1951, the American government, in consultation with the National Education Association, created a film instructing young school children what to do...

How did Earth Day start? When was the first Earth Day? How did it become a global phenomenon? Take a look at Earth Day, then and now.

Earthquakes, and resulting tsunami-caused damage, is not just a modern-day phenomenon. Lisbon, Portugal was devastated by such events in 1755.

Thomas Edison announces his invention of the phonograph on the 21st of November, 1877 - and - we can hear it. The clip is the first "listenable" piece...

U.S. astronaut Ed White was the first American to walk in space. He lifted the handle of his hatch cover, and left the safety of his spacecraft, on Ju...

During the recent solar eclipse, scientists further tested Einstein's famous theory (which resulted from a thought experiment leading to the concept o...

Returning to the Earth's atmosphere, from a journey to space, astronauts aboard the orbiter see what they call a "light show." What causes that phenom...

The well-preserved remains of a young boy, referred to as the El Plomo Mummy, were discovered, in 1954, on Cerro El Plomo.

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