Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

As revenge for the attack on his men, Saladin sets a trap by setting fire to Raymond's castle with his wife inside.

Wallace is given a show trial but he is not allowed a lawyer or to speak on his own behalf.

Wallace is given a show trial but he is not allowed a lawyer or to speak on his own behalf.

Cornwallis wants Tone quickly tried and executed, so there was no justice.

Writings of historians and ruins at Olympia allow us to visualize what Olympia looked like and how and where athletes trained.

To man its defenses, Rome builds forts at regular intervals along Hadrian's Wall, and some of them still remain today.

You will know why Japan attacked Hawaii.

Key watches the flag fly from the British ship as the battle continues, then wonders why the shelling stops.

Flight 77 strikes the Pentagon killing all 70 people onboard and 190 people in the building.

Critics of "That Convention" say it resembles "a lunatic asylum, and that Susan "represented the aggressive female American brains."

People make negative remarks about Susan B. Anthony because of her views.

The assassination plot against Adolf Hitler (on July 20, 1944) did not result in the Nazi leader escaping without any negative impact. As we see in th...

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