Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

Through the hands of Attila, death and destruction befall the towns of Lombardy.

Father Pernin reports on the chaos in Peshtigo as people try to flee the inferno.

The Bataan Death March, shown in photos and maps, lasts over 60 miles; many Filipino and US soldiers die.

In the Temple of Apollo, Paris shoots an arrow into Achilles' heel and kills him.

Life is hard in Los Angeles for Elizabeth Short and other young women seeking the "Hollywood Life".

Although President Kennedy expresses sadness at the death of the South Vietnamese President, the assassination was in line with U.S. interests.

Achilles engages Hector in a man-to-man fight and kills him. Achilles drags the body behind his chariot before agreeing to return the body to Hector's...

When Jesus brings his friend Lazarus back from the dead, the plot to Jesus begins.

Four years after her marriage, Louis XV dies from smallpox and Marie Antoinette becomes queen of France.

People feel that Garfield dies too soon, but not "in vain".

The Mahdi dies after capturing Khartoum, but his Mahdist forces make Omdurman their capital.

Jackie Kennedy endures the unendurable when she sees her husband murdered. Soon after JFK's death, and before leaving Dallas, Lyndon Baines Johnson ta...

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