Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

Next in the history of flight is seeing how experimental planes perform under extreme conditions.

After launch, a piece of external-tank insulation breaks loose and strikes Columbia's left wing.

The US threatens a shipping quarantine, while Russia will not allow US inspectors to board their ships.

Three strokes of the axe take Marys head, and Elizabeth guarantees there are no relics and no proper burial.

Evidence of the horrendous events and deaths that occur in labor camps comes from those who spent time in GULAGs.

Examine the facts and legends that surround St. Patrick's life.

Penobscot Expedition is the worst naval disaster in American history, until Pearl Harbor.

As Anna takes dictation, she and Dostoevsky fall in love and develop their personal relationship.

WWII broadcasts give C.S. Lewis the opportunity to share his writings and philosophy. He becomes very influential via those BBC broadcasts.

"Conductors" are people who lead the slaves to safety; some include runaway slaves such as Harriet Tubman.

TheHimalayan Mountains claim nine of the world's ten highest peaks, including the highest Mount Everest.

Most of the numerous women, such as Susan B. Anthony, who fight for women's rights never see victory.

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