Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

Although the Captain is in charge of a ship, and his word is "law," George Pollard - captain of the Essex, a whaleship - gives-in to Owen Chase, his F...

George marries into the cartel, but then the police catch him importing cocaine. The police take his daughter and his family disowns him.

George Woolf rides Seabiscuit to victories after Red Pollard is injured.

German General Paulus disobeys Hitler and surrenders. It is the beginning of the end for Hitler and his Nazi regime.

Paulus surrenders, which leads to Hitler's defeat and suicide.

This picture, taken during the summer of 1941 and online via the National Archives of Norway, depicts an SS sign in Norway. Germanske Norge means "Ger...

Poland receives no aid from other countries when Hitler invades, and the Warsaw Ghetto starts.

In 1971, T. C. Williams High School's star player, Gerry Bertier, has a car wreck that leaves him paralyzed from the waist down.

Fred learns to read and write, even though it is forbidden.

Alexei, the fifth child and only son of Nicholas II ("Tsar of all the Russias"), is born with hemophilia.

Alexei, the fifth child and only son of Nicholas II ("Tsar of all the Russias"), is born with hemophilia.

American war posters portray the need for more and more equipment and advise people to waste nothing.

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