Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

American ground war intensifies, but unknown to the US military, the Viet Cong plans a major offensive that will kill thousands.

With their knowledge of controlling movement, Wilbur and Orville begin by launching gliders at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

View American and Russian aircraft that fight battles over Vietnam and drop devastating bombs and napalm.

At the start of World War I, few countries can match Germany'sair ships- often calledZeppelins.

Read a poem about the life of Jamie Bishop, a German instructor, and Ryan Clark, a 22 year-old senior in Psychology/Biology/English.

Although there is evidence that Maybrick might be Jack the Ripper, no one knows the truth.

Soldiers with special military skills train to clear Japanese from the Philippines.

In 1961, Alan Shepard becomes the first American to launch into space.

Prince Albert, "Bertie," has a hard childhood with a strict father who forces him to be right-handed and wear painful splints to correct his "knock kn...

Albert Gitchell, an Army cook at Camp Funston, complains of flu-like symptoms. The air-borne disease spreads to Europe when U.S. soldiers go to Europe...

From the early 1920s to 1931, Al Capone leads the Chicago outfit, a crime syndicate who bootlegs liquor and commits other crimes.

Unknown to his Edgardo Mortara's parents, a Catholic servant girl working in the Mortara household baptizes the sick Edgardo when he is a young child.

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