Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

The Challenger Disaster could have been avoided on January 28, 1986. Cold weather worsens O-ring failure possibilities. Engineers ask NASA to delay th...

Read testimony from Robert "Red" Manley who drops Elizabeth Short at the Biltmore Hotel and is the last to see her alive.

With his second wife, the white woman Helen Pitts Douglass, "The Old Man Eloquent" continues to live at Cedar Hill.

Read a poem about the life of Lauren Ashley McCain, a 20 year-old freshman in International Studies.

Despite the First Amendment, some still try to destroy what they do not understand or believe in.

Desmond decides to sue the government to get his children back.

Politics are changing when Edgardo Mortara is removed from his family, and the event makes world news.

In retaliation for Camp Holloway, LBJ decides to bomb North Vietnam for the first time.

LBJ decides hecannot pursueanother term as president because he wants to work full time to get U.S. soldiers out of Southeast Asia.

Daniel Ellsberg and Tony Russo believe they cannot keep the Pentagon Papers secret and pass parts of them to a trusted journalist.

Wishing to educate his teen-aged son with the best teacher in the world, King Philip of Macedonia summons Aristotle, Greece's greatest mind. Aristotle...

After the death of his brother, Bobby identifies with suffering people and speaks out against injustice.

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