Social Studies Chapters

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

Darrow is able to win over the judge who shows mercy to both Loeb and Leopold.

By the time a guard of British soldiers arrived at the town of Lexington - on April 19, 1775 - most of the minutemen under Captain John Parker's comma...

Hitler orders the destruction of Paris because liberation is near; Paris is free in August 1944.

Thomas Nickerson, George Pollard and Owen Chase returned to Nantucket after the wreck of the Essex. Each coped in different ways as they tried to reco...

Solomon Northup, known as "Platt," experiences slave life in Louisiana with a "good master" and a "bad master."

Edwin Epps is a cruel slave-owner who frequently beats slaves for no reason other than to inflict misery. After John Tibeats, Solomon Northup ("Platt...

A mortgage, for the life of Solomon Northup ("Platt") ends-up saving him from death at the hands of a cruel slave-owner called John Tibeats.

Life changes after the plague: social and economic values change, art becomes more morbid, peasant uprisings increase and church authority lessens.

Elizabeth King's living will asks her family to end all life support care if she ever reaches a "vegetative state."

The Pilgrims spend a year in Amsterdam before religious conflicts lead them to Leiden.

Life in Five Points is difficult with overcrowding, high child mortality, unemployment, little food available and violent crimes.

Some whites in Mississippi consider blacks an inferior race.

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