Social Studies Story Briefs

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

The well-preserved remains of a young boy, referred to as the El Plomo Mummy, were discovered, in 1954, on Cerro El Plomo.

Living as an artist among other artists in Brooklyn, Emil Goldfus / Willy Fisher / Rudolf Abel became particularly close to Burton Silverman.

Emily Hobhouse, a young British woman who witnessed conditions in concentration camps during the Second Anglo-Boer War, included the following passage...

Emperor Meiji (1852 - 1912) was also known as Meiji the Great. He ruled Japan from February 3, 1867 to the day he died on July 30, 1912.

In addition to America's significant economic decline, during the time of the Great Depression, the country also sustained a significant drought which...

Thomas Nickerson wrote a narrative about the whale attack on the Essex. He included drawings in his work. This image depicts one of those drawings.

Although we know very little about the Etruscans from historical evidence, we can learn about them from their art.

His story featured in "The Pacific," Eugene Sledge describes the harrowing battle of Okinawa. Finally ending in June of 1945, it is one of the most co...

Eugene Bondurant Sledge describes the horror of the World War II battle at Pelelieu, east of Okinawa.

Acting on behalf of Charles V, the Holy Roman Emperor and nephew of Catherine of Aragon, Eustace Chapuys sent many letters to Charles describing the K...

In October of 1983, when Ronald Reagan was America's President, a disastrous event involving U.S. Marines occurred in Lebanon when a suicide bomber vi...

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