Social Studies Story Briefs

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

John F. Kennedy (JFK) was the 35th president of the United States.

Helen Keller first realized the meaning of words when her teacher (Annie Sullivan) spelled “water” (w-a-t-e-r) in her hand on the 5th of April, 18...

As the Hartford Circus fire raged out of control, some people helped others - to the point of returning inside the tent as long as possible - while ot...

After revising his work seven times, Thoreau publishes Walden on August 9, 1854.

Henry Essex Edgeworth - an Irish cleric who was living in France - became Louis XVIs spiritual advisor during his final days. Although he (and others)...

In this scene from Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V, released in 1989, we see the English king and his men assessing both French and English losse...

Hera was the wife of Zeus, therefore queen of the gods of ancient Greece, according to Greek mythology.

Herman Boone was the head coach of the 1971 Titans football team.

Wearing the letter "A" on her clothes, Hester Prynne must display the "scarlet letter" whenever she is in public. This artistic interpretation of Hest...

See the instrument - an azimuthal quadrant - which Johannes Hevelius used to study the heavens ... and get accurate readings ... with the naked eye. ...

Irish school children, in the 1960s, tell the story of St. Patrick (of St. Patrick's Day).

Landing in New Jersey, following a thunderstorm, one of Germany's airships - theHindenburg- explodes on May 6, 1937. It disintegrates in less than a m...

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