Social Studies Story Briefs

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

As Henry VIII's troops continued to terrorize the Scots - after the Scottish Parliament refused to approve the Treaty of Greenwich whereby Mary, Queen...

70 years later, people still feel the impact of partitioning India into two countries (India and Pakistan) based on religion.

President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 into law during that year. Later, in December, he addressed the Congress with reasons w...

When Stalin was leader of the Soviet Union, he implemented an industrialization program which transformed the USSR.

What actually happened in the Battle of the Atlantic during World War II?

Irish girls who had personal or familial issues in their lives were sometimes removed from their homes and sent to places known as "Magdalene Laundrie...

During the 1930s, photographers like Russell Lee documented the living and working conditions of migrant farm workers in America, including the interi...

Lt. General Ira C. Eaker, an aviation pioneer with impressive flying credentials, was a supporter of the Tuskegee Airmen and their 99th Pursuit Squadr...

As economic conditions grew desperate for Irish people, during the potato famine, residents of entire villages abandoned their homeland in search for ...

As the effects of the Potato Famine spread, Irish people are evicted from their rented homes at astonishing rates. The Tipperary Vindicatorreports a g...

The December 16, 1848 edition ofThe Illustrated London News(quotingThe Tipperary Vindicator) describes unimaginable conditions endured by Irish famili...

Reporters forThe Illustrated London News, investigating conditions in Ireland during the famine, writehorror stories about what they see "in this coun...

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