Social Studies Story Briefs

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

1802 was a busy year for Napoleon Bonaparte: In March, he agreed to the Treaty of Amiens between France and Britain (thereby ending the War of the Sec...

Long before America had "Uncle Sam," Britain had "John Bull.

The 1896 Presidential Election in America was noteworthy for many reasons, not least for the hundreds of political cartoons which newspapers published...

Invasions have been part of Britain's history. Sometimes those invasions are featured in political cartoons.

John Cabot - the Anglicized version of Giovanni Caboto's name - is believed to be the first European explorer to visit parts of North America since th...

John Hancock was 39 years old, in 1776, when he was President of the Continental Congress and signed the Declaration of Independence. He helped to fun...

Refusing to recant his beliefs, which were contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church, Jan Hus (John Huss) was burned at the stake outside the c...

Johnny Calvin Brewer saw a man who seemed anxious to avoid the police. Brewer's instincts were right, since the man was Lee Harvey Oswald.

John Pine wanted to insure that the story told by tapestries hanging in the House of Lords, illustrating scenes from the Spanish-Armada sea battles be...

John Pine wanted to insure that the story told by tapestries hanging in the House of Lords, illustrating scenes from the Spanish-Armada sea battles be...

By 1904, when people begin to worry about the potentially addictive effects of coca leaves, John Pemberton has to change his Coca Cola formula.

John Wilkes Booth died four hours after Sgt. Boston Corbett shot him at Garrett's farm.

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