Social Studies Story Briefs

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

When he arrived at the place of his execution, Louis XVI spoke to the gathered crowd.

Although they lived in the same building - the Temple prison in Paris - the French royal family was not allowed to be together unless the revolutionar...

Image of a painting, called Louis XVI Writing His Will at the Temple, by Danloux Henri-Pierre.

Louis Zamperini returned to Japan, in the fall of 1950, and had an opportunity to visit with some of his former prison guards.

Louis Zamperini attended a tent meeting featuring Dr.

Lt. General Holland Smith - pictured here, second-from-left and known to the men on Saipan as "Howlin' Mad" - was extremely proud of "my Marines.

The story of a gangster so dominant that he made TIME magazine's top-100 list of the 20th century's most influential people.

Sources differ whether Lucy, a slave at Monticello, was Lucy Cottrell (the daughter of Dolly Cottrell) or Lucy (the daughter of Lilly and Barnaby, two...

Lucy Burns friend of Alice Paul worked internationally to get women the right to vote.

The Lusitania was a British ocean-going vessel able to achieve great speeds during her transatlantic crossings.

This 1918 animation, by thefamouscartoonistWinsor McCay(1867-1934), depicts the 1915sinkingof the Lusitania, a ship of the Cunard Line.

In this image we see General Douglas MacArthur returning to the Philippines.

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