Social Studies Story Briefs

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

This broadside, from the 1860s and printed in Boston, was created to persuade people, especially young men, of the dangers of alcoholic beverages. It ...

This image is from the 10 October 1846 issue of the Pictorial Times. Its accompanying article, written by a Brit, blames Ireland for the famine which ...

Having passed through Inferno’s Gate, Dante and Virgil soon see a ship coming toward them.  It is helmed by Phlegyas, a ferryman on the Riv...

During the second Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902), when the Boers refused to surrender to the Anglos, the British rounded-up thousands of Afrikaners (Boers...

Borodino, a small village about 70 miles west of Moscow, was the site of a bloody battle during the Napoleonic Wars. It took place on September 7, 181...

During the Napoleonic Wars, in 1805, Britain fought against France in a naval clash known as The Battle of Trafalgar. Admiral Horatio Nelson employed ...

Five brothers, who wished to serve together aboard a U.

One week after her husband's death, Jackie Kennedy told reporter Theodore White that the Kennedy era was like "Camelot." It was her way of making sure...

Tom Tanaka was living at Camp Poston when he created this painting of the place on May 17, 1942.

Is it possible for a person's hair to turn white overnight? Who were some of the famous people who reportedly experienced this phenomenon?

How Captain Cook changed the way Hawaiians lived.

Captain Cook in Hawaii

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