Social Studies Story Briefs

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

In the late summer of 1831, Charles Darwin was invited to accompany Captain Robert FitzRoyon avoyage aboard a ship to South America.

Bitterly disagreeing that his country should surrender to the Nazis, in June of 1940, de Gaulle was an outspoken critic of the Vichy regime.

How did Charles Dickens, who released his famous Christmas story on 13 December 1843, become such a famous writer?

This painting depicts Charles I with his wife, Queen Henrietta Maria (of France) and two of their children: Prince Charles, who later became King Char...

Charles Messier created a catalog of "objects" in the sky which professional and amateur astronomers still use.

On the 1st of December, 1958, Our Lady of the Angels School, in Chicago, was the scene of a catastrophic fire.

Before Cesar Chavez dedicated his life to helping farm workers get a decent wage, field workers - including children - toiled long hours for unbelieva...

American children held jobs in many industries, including the cotton industry during the early 20th century. This girl was a spinner at a South Caroli...

This image - of children working in Britain's coal mines - is from an 1842 report prepared byLord Ashley(Anthony Ashley Cooper), later known asLord Sh...

The town of Tyrenear today's town of Sor (in Lebanon)was part of the Roman world.

If you get in trouble with the king, go there, you will be safe. The goddess releases the wrath.

The town known today as Cividale, in northeastern Italy, had already been settled by Celts and Veneti when Julius Caesar established a municipium (tow...

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