Social Studies Videos

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

Young children were trapped in the wreckage of Coventry, following a massive bombing by Germany during the evening/morning of November 14/15, 1940.

The Nazi's bombed Coventry to brea morale, learn why it did not work.

As Nazi bombs arrived over Coventry, the onslaught began with fire bombs.

Beginning on 14 November 1940, the British town of Coventry was decimated by "The Blitz." How did this impact the confidence of Coventry's residents (...

Cricket is the national sport of India.

While enduring a nightmare of alienation and solitude, Roskolnikov visits the inspector - Porfiry Petrovitch - who is investigating the murder of the ...

Rodya Raskolnikov (played, in this BBC production, by John Simm) is a poor student living in a non-desirable section of St Petersburg.

Writing the story about Roskolnikov, and his interior struggles, Dostoevsky takes us inside Roskolnikov's mind.

Roskolnikov's plan to only kill the old pawnbroker (Alyona Ivanovna) went awry when Lizaveta, her sister, walked in on the murder.

Set in St Petersburg, in the second half of the 19th century, Crime and Punishment - a psychological thriller - tells the story of a young murderer wh...

Haunted while awake, haunted while asleep, Raskolnikov cannot escape his crime.

Exploring ideas of socialism with a group of friends, Dostoevsky was arrested and, after a trial of sorts, was condemned to death.

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