Social Studies Videos

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

In the fall of 1562, Elizabeth I (played by Glenda Jackson in this clip from Elizabeth R) became desperately ill with smallpox.

Ellis Island, located in New York Harbor, served as a port of entry - between 1892-1954 - for millions of European immigrants hoping for a new life in...

This clip - from "Emmett Till - The Untold Story" - includes archival footage of Moses ("Mose") Wright, his son (Simeon Wright) and other individuals ...

Emmett Till was a fourteen-year-old boy from the South Side of Chicago when he took a train to Mississippi during August of 1955.

Mamie Till-Mobley tells the story of her son's death and the fight she had to mount in order to have her son's body returned to Chicago from Mississip...

During the murder trial, defense lawyers had argued - among other things - that the body was so deformed its remains could not be identified as Emmett...

During the trial of Roy Bryant and J.

When he was twenty nine, the ruler of Qin sent one million soldiers to crush resistance in six neighboring states.

Why did Britain fight a civil war in the 17th century? What caused the people to execute their king (Charles I), promote Oliver Cromwell (to Lord Prot...

With religious freedom came two important ideas: The state had no right to interfere with the church - and - Charles I was a tyrant.

After Charles I was defeated, a movement to forever end monarchical rule in Britain took hold.

During Cromwells tenure as head of government, some of the people (ex-royals) were burdened with a ten-percent income tax without their consent.

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