Social Studies Videos

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

This video clip depicts Argentinian aircraft which carry exocet missiles.

The Dead Sea Scrolls have been part of a touring exhibition for many years.

After the Second World War, American test pilots flew experimental planes as part of the research airplane program.

Although a single torpedo penetrated Lusitania, she was in peril almost immediately when a second, massive explosion occurred.

The Falkland Islands are located about 300 miles off the southeastern shore of Argentina.

In this clip, from "20th Century Battlefields," we learn the background of Britain's decision to sink Argentina's ship, the General Belgrano.

Charles Moore, Margaret Thatcher's authorized biographer, provides some background for the Falklands War in this video clip.

Depicted in the film, Bitter Harvest, Ukraine (and its people) suffered a disastrous famine when government policies impacted food production and dist...

This is the story of Faust, based on the dramatic poem by Goethe and adapted for the screen - in 1926 - by F.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt first took the Presidential oath on the 4th of March, 1933.

Professor Wiles has won the Abel Prize for solving Fermat's Last Theorem. How long did it take to solve it? How did he do it?

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