Social Studies Videos

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

The Han dynasty built a great wall which has resisted two thousand years of erosion in the barren desert.

How does one create a character like Hannibal Lechter?

What happened in Ukraine, during 1932-33, which caused people to describe a famine in that country as Holodomor ("death by starvation)?

To this day, people in Ukraine (and elsewhere) remember the great famine of 1932-33.

The great famine of 1932-33, in Ukraine, took the lives of millions of people - yet, it is little known in the rest of the world.

This clip, from "Harvest of Despair," continues the story of the great Ukrainian famine of 1932-33.

Concluding clip from "Harvest of Despair," a film which presents the great Ukrainian famine (of 1932-33) as a preventable event, engineered by the Sov...

This clip - from Legends, Icons and Superstars of the 20th Century - features Helen Keller.

This is a clip from Helen Keller: In Her Story.

Helen Keller first realized the meaning of words when her teacher (Annie Sullivan) spelled “water” (w-a-t-e-r) in her hand on the 5th of April, 18...

In this scene from Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V, released in 1989, we see the English king and his men assessing both French and English losse...

Henry Tudor never expected to become king of England.

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