Social Studies Videos

How do we make a "sound judgment" in a culturally diverse society? How do we know the best path to follow in an interdependent world? These stories, based on social-studies, help us to understand that personal and environmental relationships impact our lives and our world.

This documentary - entitled The Atom Strikes!

Although he avoided an assassination attempt, Qin Shi Huangdi knew that one day he would die.

Knights jousting, on magnificent horses, was a hugely popular sport during the middle ages.

The great-great grandson of Charles Dickens introduces us to his famous ancestor whose novels remain popular today.

What was life like at the time of the real Dracula, a man known as Vlad Dracula (or, Vlad Tepes)? He lived during the time of great Ottoman conquests,...

For centuries, alchemists believed that mercury could be turned into gold.

The rifle featured in this video clip, from the National Firearms Museum, is a Girandoni System Austrian Repeating Air Rifle.

Mickey OKeefe played a significant role in Micky Ward's boxing comeback.

After their first fight, Micky Ward and Arturo Gotti were both treated at the same hospital.

Micky Ward and Dickie (Dicky) Eklund discuss their boxing careers and the film about their lives - "The Fighter" - in which Mark Wahlberg plays Ward a...

Today Micky Ward is helping other young men become boxers, and hes also teaching them how to give back.

Micky Ward talks about his friend and boxing opponent, Arturo Gatti, after Arturos death in 2009.

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