Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

Alexander Farnese, the Duke of Parma, is to help the Armada with light fast ships near Dunkirk, but Dutch forces repel him.

Olaudah Equiano writes of his own experiences as an African child kidnapped into slavery.

When founding Pennsylvania, Penn creates laws modeled on freedom.

The survivors of Peshigo bury their dead and then rebuild their city.

Because Philip II of Spain is angry about Mary's execution and Britain's aid to the Dutch, he creates an Armada to go to war with Britain.

Elizabeth's half-sister Mary Tudor becomes Queen and marries the Catholic Philip II of Spain; Britain worries that Protestants will be ill-treated.

Philip Johnston believes Navajos can create an unbreakable code during WWII using their unwritten language.

People with schizophrenia have decreased brain activity.

Larsson's third book, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, is also set in real and fictional places in Sweden.

Charley Williams shares his life story about what it was like to live as a slave on a plantation.

Mandela wants all people of South Africa to unite and believes support for the rugby team will bring the country together.

Many oppose the judge's decision; read comments by Isabella Beecher Hooker.

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