Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

A series of unfortunate incidents cause the most deadly plane crash in history.

Benjamin Banneker proves himself a genius, yet slavery continues even after it is illegal.

Elizabeth is the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she receives a good education and can speak six languages.

Zamp and Phil move to another anonymous prisoner of war camp. Guards are brutal, and meals are poor. Zamp meets a guard he knew from college in the US...

Those who help runaway slaves obtain freedom are punished.

Martin Luther thinks Purgatory is nothing more than a Church plan to get people's money.

Artwork shows Dante's words because many medieval people cannot read.

Today, the Catholic Church still holds that Purgatory is a place where a person's soul goes after death.

The day after Gravelines, the wind pushes the Spanish Armada into the North Sea; they have a chance to make landfall and fight towards London. Queen E...

After Pasteur and his team developed a very effective rabies vaccine, scientists turned their research-attention elsewhere. Rabies, however, still kil...

The sailors sent to repair the leak suffer from radiation sickness and many of them die.

American slaves rarely fight for their freedom.

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